Chirolounge München

Our team

Robert Kastenberger

What is chiropractic for me?

This question is actually not so easy to answer. When I opened my first practice as a sports physiotherapist in 1999 at the age of 25, it was clear to me: I can influence, manipulate, trigger, stretch anything and all of that is explainable and scientifically proven.

“I can fix it”

When I came to chiropractic years later, my mind was still so influenced by this mechanistic thought and a treatment approach that followed suit.

Today it is clear to me that our task is simply to move the stones out of the way, to release "blockages" through small movements, to clear the way. With the goal that this complex individual human being can better heal, regenerate, adapt and help itself again.

“I move the bone, Innate does the Healing”

We all accumulate traumas. Big and small, chronic and acute, on all levels, mental and physical. When our body-mind-soul organism cannot perfectly adapt to this stressor, we very often find a storage place on our body - we "subluxate" - for reasons of self-protection and as an adaptation strategy.

Every patient comes at the right time.

A good chiropractic session addresses this condition with heart and mind- primarily through awareness and recognition. Patient and chiropractor find a common path to resolving the subluxation- a pattern- press the reset button.

Chiropractic makes a difference

As a father of 4 children, it is crystal clear to me to observe the difference regular chiropractic care can make, from childhood on.

Professional stations

Professional stations

  • Born 1974 in Munich
  • Master of Science Chiropractic
  • Own practice as sports physiotherapist Munich (since 1999)
  • Heilpraktiker with focus on musculoskeletal system Munich (Since 2005)
  • Own private practice for American chiropractic Munich (Since 2009)
  • Certified training in Chiropractic by:
    - DAGC, German American Chiropractic Association
    - Hessian Specialized Chiropractic Seminar under the direction of Dr. Dean Kirchner, D.C.
  • Partner in the Chiropractic Lounge Munich (since January 2015)
  • Master's degree in chiropractic at Danube University Krems, graduating in 2020
  • Chiropractic Techniques: Thompson Drop Table, Full Spine, SOT, Uzushi Upper Cervical
  • Partner and shareholder of the company 3DChiropractic Seminars
  • Owner of the practice Chiropractic Ammersee

Craig Osborne

Doctor of Chiropractic (NZCC)

For over 20 years I have seen what chiropractic can do for people. Of course, I have relieved many people of their pain. But what inspires me most is how chiropractic can change people's lives.

I've had patients overcome depression, have their digestive and reproductive function normalized. I've lost count of how many of them are sleeping better, exercising again and have more energy for life.


In chiropractic, we speak not only of miracles through chiropractic adjustments, but also of the impact that even one adjustment can have. The possibility that one person's adjustment will change their life in such a way that it will affect their family, it will affect their work, it will affect their co-workers, and it will affect the entire population.

To many, this may sound a little crazy, but I know from experience that this is the truth. It is my hope that everyone who begins treatment with us will see for themselves why chiropractic, our health philosophy and the ideas we recommend will become part of a lifelong healthier future.

Professional background

Professional Background

  • born 1970 in Gore, New Zealand
  • Bachelor of Science, Physiological Studies at the University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand (1988-1990)
  • Certificate of Exercise Science at the Central Institute of Technology Wellington, New Zealand (1992)
  • Lecturer - Department of Sports Science, Central Institute of Technology Wellington, New Zealand (1993-1996)
  • Diploma of Tertiary Education, Central Institute of Technology Wellington, New Zealand (1994-1996)
  • Bachelor of Science, Chiropractic, at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic Auckland, New Zealand (1997 - 1999)
  • Associate at the Advanced Spine & Joint Clinic Auckland, New Zealand (2000 - 2001)
  • Employed chiropractor Sydney, Australia (2001 - 2003)
  • Own practice "Thrive Chiropractic" Sydney, Australia (2003 - 2010)
  • Associate at  American Chiropractic in Munich-Gräfelfing (2011-2015)
  • Partner in Chiropractic Lounge Munich (since January 2015)
  • Owner Chiropractic Lounge Lindau Lindau (since May 2020)

Chiropractic Techniques: Zone, Thompson Drop Table, Full Spine, Activator, Diversified, SOT, Extremities


By a lucky coincidence I landed in the world of chiropractic and from then on I knew that I wanted to do it. In the beginning my motivation was to be able to help people in the first place - but that being a chiropractor means much more, I realized only in the course of time. It is a constant learning and gaining experience both in the daily work and on the countless seminars and training courses.

Chiropractic has enabled me to experience two wonderful pregnancies and births. My children can grow with a free nervous system and I can pave the way for them to be the best versions of themselves.

The energy, the power and that indescribable feeling that every adjustment you make gives back is the greatest thing to me.

Professional stations

Professional stations

  • Sports and fitness merchant (2003-2006)
  • Deputy studio manager until 2009
  • Bachelor studies to become a fitness specialist (2009-2012) in Munich
  • Chiropractic assistant at "Praxis Kastenberger" since 2012
  • Heilpraktiker training at the Center for Naturopathy Munich (2013-2016) focus on the musculoskeletal system
  • Since the founding of the Chirolounge Munich (2015-2016) as a Chiropractic assistant with focus on anamnesis / examination
  • Training as a chiropractor with ongoing seminars and courses in Germany and Europe (since 2016)
  • Certification as a chiropractor with the "German Institute of Chiropractic" (2017)
  • Chiropractic Techniques: Activator, Full Spine, Thompson Drop Table
  • Baby break 2018 and 2021


My path to the Chirolounge came about through my work as a KinFlex therapist.

This is because in my work with children and adolescents (child-adolescent & family coaching) and integrating early childhood reflexes, I also look at postural blockages in the body. I searched for a chiropractor near me to form a cooperation. That's how I first met Robert in his lounge at Ammersee. We quickly realized that our work for people complemented each other well.

In the team, I am responsible for marketing tasks in the background. Whether it's newsletters, taking care of the social media channels, blog articles or other promotional material - I take care of it.

I'm mom to a daughter and live with my family on the Ammersee. Staying in motion, being flexible, fit and healthy is important to me. That's why I groove into my day every morning. My first adjustment at Ammersee with Robert was an impressive experience - I actually felt bigger and freer.

It is not only behavioral patterns that keep people in a tense unhealthy state. Traumatic experiences also force us into a tense posture or movement pattern.

As a result, people cannot grow to their full size or develop their potential. Adjustments allow relaxation and connection between brain and body again. Individuals can find their balance between body, mind and spirit again.

Chiropractic plays an essential part in bringing about change in the body.

What drives me?

I love meeting, touching, inspiring and moving people. Everything I bring to the table I can give and live in my field of work.

Movement on all levels is important for people right now and we make our contribution to this.

Professional stations

Professional stations

  • Publishing house clerk
  • Years of marketing experience in agencies and companies
  • KinFlex therapist
  • Children-youth-family coaching

Robert Kastenberger

What is chiropractic for me​?

This question is actually not so easy to answer. When I opened my first practice as a sports physiotherapist in 1999 at the age of 25, it was clear to me: I can influence, manipulate, trigger, stretch anything and all of that is explainable and scientifically proven.

"I can fix it"

When I came to chiropractic years later, my mind was still so influenced by this mechanistic thought and a treatment approach that followed suit.

Today it is clear to me that our task is simply to move the stones out of the way, to release "blockages" through small movements, to clear the way. With the goal that this complex individual human being can better heal, regenerate, adapt and help itself again.

“I move the bone, Innate does the Healing”

We all accumulate traumas. Big and small, chronic and acute, on all levels, mental and physical. When our body-mind-soul organism cannot perfectly adapt to this stressor, we very often find a storage place on our body - we "subluxate" - for reasons of self-protection and as an adaptation strategy.

Every patient comes at the right time.

A good chiropractic session addresses this condition with heart and mind- primarily through awareness and recognition. Patient and chiropractor find a common path to resolving the subluxation- a pattern- press the reset button.

Chiropractic makes a difference

As a father of 4 children, it is crystal clear to me to observe the difference regular chiropractic care can make, from childhood on.

Professional stations

  • Born 1974 in Munich
  • Master of Science Chiropractic
  • Own practice as sports physiotherapist Munich (since 1999)
  • Heilpraktiker with focus on musculoskeletal system Munich (Since 2005)
  • Own private practice for American chiropractic Munich (Since 2009)
  • Certified training in Chiropractic by:
    - DAGC, German American Chiropractic Association
    - Hessian Specialized Chiropractic Seminar under the direction of Dr. Dean Kirchner, D.C.
  • Partner in the Chiropractic Lounge Munich (since January 2015)
  • Master's degree in chiropractic at Danube University Krems, graduating in 2020.
  • Chiropractic Techniques: Thompson Drop Table, Full Spine, SOT, Uzushi Upper Cervical
  • Partner and shareholder of the company 3DChiropractic Seminars
  • Owner of the practice Chiropractic Ammersee

Craig Osborne

Doctor of Chiropractic (NZCC)

For over 20 years I have seen what chiropractic can do for people. Of course, I have relieved many people of their pain. But what inspires me most is how chiropractic can change people's lives.

I've had patients overcome depression, have their digestive and reproductive function normalized. I've lost count of how many of them are sleeping better, exercising again and have more energy for life.

In chiropractic, we speak not only of miracles through chiropractic adjustments, but also of the impact that even one adjustment can have. The possibility that one person's adjustment will change their life in such a way that it will affect their family, it will affect their work, it will affect their co-workers, and it will affect the entire population.

To many, this may sound a little crazy, but I know from experience that this is the truth. It is my hope that everyone who begins treatment with us will see for themselves why chiropractic, our health philosophy and the ideas we recommend will become part of a lifelong healthier future.

Professional stations

  • born 1970 in Gore, New Zealand
  • Bachelor of Science, Physiological Studies at the University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand (1988-1990)
  • Certificate of Exercise Science at the Central Institute of Technology Wellington, New Zealand (1992)
  • Lecturer - Department of Sports Science, Central Institute of Technology Wellington, New Zealand (1993-1996)
  • Diploma of Tertiary Education, Central Institute of Technology Wellington, New Zealand (1994-1996)

  • Bachelor of Science, Chiropractic, at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic Auckland, New Zealand (1997 - 1999)

  • Associate at the Advanced Spine & Joint Clinic Auckland, New Zealand (2000 - 2001)

  • Employed chiropractor Sydney, Australia (2001 - 2003)
  • Own practice "Thrive Chiropractic" Sydney, Australia (2003 - 2010)
  • Associate at  American Chiropractic in Munich-Gräfelfing (2011-2015)
  • Partner in Chiropractic Lounge Munich (since January 2015)

  • Owner Chiropractic Lounge Lindau Lindau (since May 2020)

Chiropractic Techniques: Zone, Thompson Drop Table, Full Spine, Activator, Diversified, SOT, Extremities


By a lucky coincidence I landed in the world of chiropractic and from then on I knew that I wanted to do it. In the beginning my motivation was to be able to help people in the first place - but that being a chiropractor means much more, I realized only in the course of time. It is a constant learning and gaining experience both in the daily work and on the countless seminars and training courses.

Chiropractic has enabled me to experience two wonderful pregnancies and births. My children can grow with a free nervous system and I can pave the way for them to be the best versions of themselves.

The energy, the power and that indescribable feeling that every adjustment you make gives back is the greatest thing to me.

Professional stations

  • Sports and fitness merchant (2003-2006)
  • Deputy studio manager until 2009
  • Bachelor studies to become a fitness specialist (2009-2012) in Munich
  • Chiropractic assistant at "Praxis Kastenberger" since 2012
  • Heilpraktiker training at the Center for Naturopathy Munich (2013-2016) focus on the musculoskeletal system
  • Since the founding of the Chirolounge Munich (2015-2016) as a Chiropractic assistant with focus on anamnesis / examination.
  • Training as a chiropractor with ongoing seminars and courses in Germany and Europe (since 2016)
  • Certification as a chiropractor with the "German Institute of Chiropractic" (2017)
  • Chiropractic Techniques: Activator, Full Spine, Thompson Drop Table
  • Baby break 2018 and 2021


My path to the Chirolounge came about through my work as a KinFlex therapist.

This is because in my work with children and adolescents (child-adolescent & family coaching) and integrating early childhood reflexes, I also look at postural blockages in the body. I searched for a chiropractor near me to form a cooperation. That's how I first met Robert in his lounge at Ammersee. We quickly realized that our work for people complemented each other well.

In the team, I am responsible for marketing tasks in the background. Whether it's newsletters, taking care of the social media channels, blog articles or other promotional material - I take care of it.

I'm mom to a daughter and live with my family on the Ammersee. Staying in motion, being flexible, fit and healthy is important to me. That's why I groove into my day every morning. My first adjustment at Ammersee with Robert was an impressive experience - I actually felt bigger and freer.

It is not only behavioral patterns that keep people in a tense unhealthy state. Traumatic experiences also force us into a tense posture or movement pattern.

As a result, people cannot grow to their full size or develop their potential. Adjustments allow relaxation and connection between brain and body again. Individuals can find their balance between body, mind and spirit again.

Chiropractic plays an essential part in bringing about change in the body.

What drives me?

I love meeting, touching, inspiring and moving people. Everything I bring to the table I can give and live in my field of work.

Movement on all levels is important for people right now and we make our contribution to this.

Professional stations

  • Publishing house clerk
  • Years of marketing experience in agencies and companies
  • KinFlex therapist
  • Children-youth-family coaching

Robert Kastenberger

What is chiropractic for me​?

This question is actually not so easy to answer. When I opened my first practice as a sports physiotherapist in 1999 at the age of 25, it was clear to me: I can influence, manipulate, trigger, stretch anything and all of that is explainable and scientifically proven.

"I can fix it"

When I came to chiropractic years later, my mind was still so influenced by this mechanistic thought and a treatment approach that followed suit.

Today it is clear to me that our task is simply to move the stones out of the way, to release "blockages" through small movements, to clear the way. With the goal that this complex individual human being can better heal, regenerate, adapt and help itself again.

“I move the bone, Innate does the Healing”

We all accumulate traumas. Big and small, chronic and acute, on all levels, mental and physical. When our body-mind-soul organism cannot perfectly adapt to this stressor, we very often find a storage place on our body - we "subluxate" - for reasons of self-protection and as an adaptation strategy.

Every patient comes at the right time.

A good chiropractic session addresses this condition with heart and mind- primarily through awareness and recognition. Patient and chiropractor find a common path to resolving the subluxation- a pattern- press the reset button.

Chiropractic makes a difference

As a father of 4 children, it is crystal clear to me to observe the difference regular chiropractic care can make, from childhood on.

Professional stations

  • Born 1974 in Munich
  • Master of Science Chiropractic
  • Own practice as sports physiotherapist Munich (since 1999)
  • Heilpraktiker with focus on musculoskeletal system Munich (Since 2005)
  • Own private practice for American chiropractic Munich (Since 2009)
  • Certified training in Chiropractic by:
    - DAGC, German American Chiropractic Association
    - Hessian Specialized Chiropractic Seminar under the direction of Dr. Dean Kirchner, D.C.
  • Partner in the Chiropractic Lounge Munich (since January 2015)
  • Master's degree in chiropractic at Danube University Krems, graduating in 2020.
  • Chiropractic Techniques: Thompson Drop Table, Full Spine, SOT, Uzushi Upper Cervical
  • Partner and shareholder of the company 3DChiropractic Seminars
  • Owner of the practice Chiropractic Ammersee

Craig Osborne

Doctor of Chiropractic (NZCC)

For over 20 years I have seen what chiropractic can do for people. Of course, I have relieved many people of their pain. But what inspires me most is how chiropractic can change people's lives.

I've had patients overcome depression, have their digestive and reproductive function normalized. I've lost count of how many of them are sleeping better, exercising again and have more energy for life.

In chiropractic, we speak not only of miracles through chiropractic adjustments, but also of the impact that even one adjustment can have. The possibility that one person's adjustment will change their life in such a way that it will affect their family, it will affect their work, it will affect their co-workers, and it will affect the entire population.

To many, this may sound a little crazy, but I know from experience that this is the truth. It is my hope that everyone who begins treatment with us will see for themselves why chiropractic, our health philosophy and the ideas we recommend will become part of a lifelong healthier future.

Professional stations

  • born 1970 in Gore, New Zealand
  • Bachelor of Science, Physiological Studies at the University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand (1988-1990)
  • Certificate of Exercise Science at the Central Institute of Technology Wellington, New Zealand (1992)
  • Lecturer - Department of Sports Science, Central Institute of Technology Wellington, New Zealand (1993-1996)
  • Diploma of Tertiary Education, Central Institute of Technology Wellington, New Zealand (1994-1996)

  • Bachelor of Science, Chiropractic, at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic Auckland, New Zealand (1997 - 1999)

  • Associate at the Advanced Spine & Joint Clinic Auckland, New Zealand (2000 - 2001)

  • Employed chiropractor Sydney, Australia (2001 - 2003)
  • Own practice "Thrive Chiropractic" Sydney, Australia (2003 - 2010)
  • Associate at  American Chiropractic in Munich-Gräfelfing (2011-2015)
  • Partner in Chiropractic Lounge Munich (since January 2015)

  • Owner Chiropractic Lounge Lindau Lindau (since May 2020)

Chiropractic Techniques: Zone, Thompson Drop Table, Full Spine, Activator, Diversified, SOT, Extremities



By a lucky coincidence I landed in the world of chiropractic and from then on I knew that I wanted to do it. In the beginning my motivation was to be able to help people in the first place - but that being a chiropractor means much more, I realized only in the course of time. It is a constant learning and gaining experience both in the daily work and on the countless seminars and training courses.

Chiropractic has enabled me to experience two wonderful pregnancies and births. My children can grow with a free nervous system and I can pave the way for them to be the best versions of themselves.

The energy, the power and that indescribable feeling that every adjustment you make gives back is the greatest thing to me.

Professional stations

  • Sports and fitness merchant (2003-2006)
  • Deputy studio manager until 2009
  • Bachelor studies to become a fitness specialist (2009-2012) in Munich
  • Chiropractic assistant at "Praxis Kastenberger" since 2012
  • Heilpraktiker training at the Center for Naturopathy Munich (2013-2016) focus on the musculoskeletal system
  • Since the founding of the Chirolounge Munich (2015-2016) as a Chiropractic assistant with focus on anamnesis / examination.
  • Training as a chiropractor with ongoing seminars and courses in Germany and Europe (since 2016)
  • Certification as a chiropractor with the "German Institute of Chiropractic" (2017)
  • Chiropractic Techniques: Activator, Full Spine, Thompson Drop Table
  • Baby break 2018 and 2021


My path to the Chirolounge came about through my work as a KinFlex therapist.

This is because in my work with children and adolescents (child-adolescent & family coaching) and integrating early childhood reflexes, I also look at postural blockages in the body. I searched for a chiropractor near me to form a cooperation. That's how I first met Robert in his lounge at Ammersee. We quickly realized that our work for people complemented each other well.

In the team, I am responsible for marketing tasks in the background. Whether it's newsletters, taking care of the social media channels, blog articles or other promotional material - I take care of it.

I'm mom to a daughter and live with my family on the Ammersee. Staying in motion, being flexible, fit and healthy is important to me. That's why I groove into my day every morning. My first adjustment at Ammersee with Robert was an impressive experience - I actually felt bigger and freer.

It is not only behavioral patterns that keep people in a tense unhealthy state. Traumatic experiences also force us into a tense posture or movement pattern.

As a result, people cannot grow to their full size or develop their potential. Adjustments allow relaxation and connection between brain and body again. Individuals can find their balance between body, mind and spirit again.

Chiropractic plays an essential part in bringing about change in the body.

What drives me?

I love meeting, touching, inspiring and moving people. Everything I bring to the table I can give and live in my field of work.

Movement on all levels is important for people right now and we make our contribution to this.

Professional stations

  • Publishing house clerk
  • Years of marketing experience in agencies and companies
  • KinFlex therapist
  • Children-youth-family coaching

We are not a perfect practice or perfect chiros.

We would be very happy to be measured by the good we do and not just by our words.

Our goal is to find and remove the blockages with our hands and our mind, so that the organism of the person seeking help can leave the zombie mode and find back to balance. We promise that this goal will always be above all profit. We guarantee to give the best and to act with the best conscience in the best interest of our patients.

We look forward to your visit!
Craig, Robert and the Lounge Team