Chirolounge München

I had permanent back pain, could hardly tie my shoes, and sports were out of the question. A frustrating cycle. Today, 4 months later, I no longer need painkillers, my movements are free again and I can do my sports again. Of course you have to go regularly, but the success has been exactly as predicted. I am very satisfied and super happy.

A visit to the practice is like a short vacation. I feel very well taken care of as a patient. Chiropractic has been helping me for almost 9 years, previously with a colleague of Robert’s in my old home town of Münster and now with him for almost 1.5 years. Never again without, finally live without headaches and dizziness.

I was brought to the Lounge by my bad posture, disc pain and immobility. Positive changes: straighter back, better circulation, more mobile and no more pain.

Definitely a win!
I am in treatment with Craig at the Chiroloung Lindau. After only two treatments “the miracle”! My blockage and movement restriction of the hip joint are resolved, the rotation and rotation movement of the hip again fully feasible. I could hardly believe it, since this restriction had accompanied me for about 15 years. Even various therapies did not bring the hoped-for success. After further treatments with Craig, my tension in the neck and lumbar area has now also been relieved and is hardly noticeable. I am happy to recommend Craig to others, because a visit to the Lindau chiropractic clinic is definitely a win-win!

Walther Simon
I have had several sessions at the ChiroLounge and am very pleased that I have found help again. I also do yoga, home rowing and back exercises. Since then I am well, have no more back pain. Every now and then I get adjusted again if necessary. I am very happy that I ended up at ChiroLounge.

I had neck syndrome for years. It was very distressing and totally annoying! Thanks to Craig’s hands, I felt better every time. I finally got rid of the blocking feeling in my neck!

Less tense psyche and overall looser muscles. I’m happy and moving forward!

Julien Simmet
Chiropractic is for me the basis for an athletic life. Thanks to chiropractic I have a healthy body feeling despite high stress in everyday life.


I finally have less pain in my shoulders, feel more mobile and have less pain. After 4 years of searching for therapy that would help me, chiropractic has been wonderful.

Verena Pongratz
At the beginning I was still a bit skeptical whether my back problems could be solved with the help of chiropractic. In the meantime, my pain is almost gone. I have become a big fan of the Chirolounge. Pleasant athmospähre, problem-specific treatment and a very sympathetic team!

My shoulders are much looser. Also my neck, so I have significantly fewer headaches. I feel like I’m standing up straighter. Can only recommend it!

10 out of 10 points! A great team and my complaints are gone. Try it out!

For me the mega gain was: better body awareness and better posture. Also brilliant is the accompaniment with all the valuable input of knowledge from Craig and Robert with newsletter or broadcast. Uniquely guat!
“I like to share my story because I just benefit a lot from chiropractic. I’ve had lower back problems for a long time and a slight herniated disc.”
“Moms benefit from chiropractic care I am a mom of 2 toddlers. I struggled a lot with lack of sleep and pain in my shoulder, neck and upper back.”
“Finally ease in my movements again – thanks to chiropractic. I suffered from acute pain in my cervical spine for a long time. I had severe restrictions in movement and pain, which I mostly fought by visiting the orthopedist and using painkillers or injections.”
“Home office and no exercise – my back couldn’t take it anymore! My employer is very focused on the health of the employees and offers a lot for a healthy work. But in the days of home office, all of that was no longer available. And on top of that, not being able to use the sports opportunities I loved and emotional stresses. I’m a very conscious person and felt the chiropractic approach was brilliant.”