How can you stay physically fit and ensure a healthy brain in old age? Have you really exerted yourself physically today? Did you start your day with exercise or did you get straight to work on your PC?
The fact is, we all clearly spend too many hours a day sitting. This is a side effect of our modern lifestyle. At Chirolounge Munich, people come to us every day with this issue. Many of the complaints are the result of too much sitting.
Since the trend towards more home office work, the symptoms have continued to increase. It is an unhealthy development for the body, brain and our sensitive nervous system.
After all, the body and brain need movement in order to develop optimally as a child. This is also the key to healthy ageing and keeping the brain young. Exercise gives our entire system the optimal conditions to be and remain flexible . Listen to the podcast from Chirolounge Munich.
When we are born, the part of our brain that sits behind our forehead – the prefrontal cortex – is not yet developed. It is not thought to be fully mature until we are in our early to mid-20s .
This part of the brain has many important functions. The prefrontal cortex influences your behavior, keeps you calm and prevents you from overreacting.
It also performs these tasks:
- Helps you to make rational decisions.
- Is important for memory.
- Language, attention and learning
- Coordination of physical reactions
- Perception of pain
The stimulation required for this development comes primarily from movement. Especially the legs and spine. This means, for example, that if a child is not sufficiently physically active, the brain cannot develop optimally.
In all adults, and especially in older people, the brain is fully developed, but movement often decreases. This results in symptoms such as restricted movement or pain in the back, which bring patients to us at Chirolounge Munich.
What effects does this have?
With children
- Lack of impulse control
- Attention deficits
- Learning behavior problems
- Social difficulties
In adults
- Stress
- Balance and coordination problems
- Headaches
- Sleep disorders
- Anxiety
- Depressive moods
How to keep your mind agile
4 simple tips for you that you can put into practice every day:
- Sit less – move more
- Mindful use of media
- Don’t stop learning and stay curious
- Do our recommended exercises every day
You can do these simple but effective exercises first thing in the morning or incorporate them into your exercise breaks. If you like, you can also watch a video tutorial.
Early childhood or primitive reflexes also play a major role in optimal brain development. We need these in order to master the birth process and the process of sitting up in the first year of life. You can find out how adjustment is linked to these reflexes here.
Do you have any questions? We are here for you and look forward to meeting you and your family in person.
The Chirolounge team Munich
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