From a chiropractic point of view, healthy brain development has a lot to do with the optimal posture and communication of the brain with the spine. But also with early childhood reflexes that are not yet integrated. We always take a holistic view of people and also investigate the causes of certain symptoms. As a family practice, we also see many pregnant women, babies, children and adolescents. The stories they bring with them are sometimes similar in certain experiences during pregnancy, birth or the first year of life.
Stress entered the body’s energy system at a certain point in life and manifested itself in the body. During the initial examination, we determine where most of the stress has accumulated. From years of experience, we know when it is worth looking even deeper. This is because primitive or early childhood reflexes are often the cause when chiropractic treatment cannot progress any further.
What are early childhood reflexes
Early childhood reflexes are our first movements, they are triggered by external stimuli and always occur involuntarily and automatically in the same way.
They develop in the womb, support the birth process and are responsible for the development, connection and isolation of nerve pathways. This builds up the muscles and supports the straightening process.
In the course of this, seeing, hearing, feeling, thinking, acting, balance, cooperation and perception are also trained. The reflexes should be integrated by the age of three and a half at the latest. All early childhood reflexes should be de-stressed for optimal brain development and potential development.
There are numerous reasons why a reflex is not integrated: prenatal stress situations such as accidents, infections or stress during birth such as a caesarean section, premature birth or forceps delivery.
Trauma of any kind can also be responsible for a reflex that has already been integrated “blowing out” like a fuse. This happens not only in children, but also in adults.
Connection between adjustment and reflexes
30% of all adults go through life with non-integrated ref lexes. These reflexes can also be a reason why a certain posture pattern is difficult to resolve. This is particularly noticeable in very jumpy people.
Their brains are constantly in a fight-off-flight state . It is more difficult to relax, which leads to the sympathetic nervous system being over-activated: This leads to a number of secondary symptoms such as high blood pressure, high pulse, tension, nervousness.
Muscle tension in the neck and upper back in particular, which takes a long time and cannot really be resolved, suggests a connection with a non-integrated reflex that does not allow this.
Furthermore, it goes without saying that our brain is constantly busy assessing whether a situation is threatening. It’s always about the primary decision: danger or not. Of course, this is not healthy in the long term, neither for your body nor your brain. If you want to know how to keep your brain fit, read our 4 tips.
In order to carry out this process optimally, our brain not only needs the impression of our sensory organs, but also the measuring organ, the spine, to enable adequate perception of the environment. And if this perception is blocked by subluxations, it is more difficult for our brain to carry out the decision-making process. As a result, the central nervous system repeatedly ends up in stress mode and contraction.
How stress manifests itself with early childhood reflexes
Examples in adults
- Dealing with criticism
- constant tension
- lack of concentration
- fears
- Feeling of living with the handbrake on
Examples in children
- Lack of impulse control
- School and behavioral issues
- anxiety
- lack of concentration
- Bedwetting after the age of 5
Based on the examples in children, a check of early childhood reflexes is valuable. This often saves families a lot of trouble and frustration when it comes to issues at school. You can find out here what other abnormalities can be associated with this and what support can help in addition to chiropractic.
Here you can find an overview of reflexes and their meanings.
As natural births continue to decline, it is no wonder in our view that many people suffer from a certain amount of stress caused by early childhood reflexes that are not yet integrated. However, very few people are even aware that this could be the cause. And as is so often the case, chain reactions occur in our bodies.
Certain reflexes cause a certain incorrect posture in the body. The flight paralysis reflex, for example, favors bow legs and hunched shoulders. People who constantly have the urge to cross their arms and legs still have an active Moro reflex.
If you would like to know more about this, please write to us or talk to us during your next visit.
The Chirolounge team Munich
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